10 Steps for a Hygienic Intimate Wax
Stacie | 11th May 2016Working on you client’s intimate area comes with a whole lot of trust! Waxing involves pulling out the hair from the roots, and in such a sensitive area it can result in minor inflammation. As an intimate waxing professional you have a responsibility to maintain a clean, hygienic workspace, free from bacteria and germs in order to reduce the risk of cross-contamination and help keep your clients safe. At waxu our therapists are trained intimate waxing professionals and work to the highest hygiene standards.
To maintain a professional, clean and hygienic intimate waxing work station follow our 10 simple steps:
1. Client Consultation
Complete a full consultation with the client at the start of every appointment and check for contraindications for waxing to ensure the client is safe to receive the treatment.
2. Complimentary Sanitary Wipes & Hand Wash
Before each treatment the client should be invited to freshen up in privacy through the provision of complimentary sanitary wipes and anti-bacterial hand wash.
3. Cleanliness
Your hands come into contact with more items throughout the day than any other part of your body. Consequently they can pose the biggest risk to not only your health, but your clients health too. It is vital that you wash your hands with antibacterial soap regularly throughout the day and before and after each and every client appointment and wear disposable gloves during each treatment.
4. Pre-Wax Cleansing
At waxu we use our Pre Wax Cleanse on the skin before performing our Signature Intimate Wax. This helps to prepare and clean the area in preparation.
5. No Double Dipping
Some therapists will ‘double dip’, which is when the same spatula is repeatedly used in the pot of wax after each application. Double dipping can transfer dead skin cells, hair and bodily fluids into the wax pot causing cross contamination between clients. It is extremely bad practice and should never ever be done. Disposable spatulas should always be used to apply the wax to the skin and a fresh spatular should be used every time you dip into the wax pot.
6. Waste Disposal
After completing the treatment dispose of all items (spatulas, gloves, wax strips , wipes and couch roll) in a clinical waste container.
7. After Care
Following the treatment advise your clients to avoid heat and friction (sunbeds, saunas, scented products, sweating, swimming, self-tanning, sport and hot showers) for the next 24-48 hours to avoid irritating the area and causing infection.
8. Treatment Bed
Treatment beds should be cleaned between every treatment using the correct cleaning product for the surface to ensure a clean and sterile surface. Once sanitised the treatment bed should be covered with disposable couch roll paper, which protects the surface of the bed from spills and shows the client that the treatment area is clean.
9. Work Surfaces
It’s crucial to keep clutter free and clean work surfaces; only have the necessities out that you need for the treatment.
Less is most definitely more as nooks and crannies in and around clutter is a a haven for germs!
10. Sterile Environment
It is vital that your salon environment is clean and sterile. Ensure your salon floors and surfaces are always super clean by getting into a good cleaning routine at the start and end of each day.
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